A List of Publications Alone Isn’t Enough
As the appeals reviewed for this article demonstrate, the mere publication of a researcher’s findings is not sufficient to establish a substantial impact in the field. In fact, every unsuccessful appeal reviewed here included a list of research publications. One appeal included evidence that the petitioner had published six papers in international journals, over ten papers in international conferences, and had submitted three papers being prepared for publication. However, the AAO held that to persuasively distinguish the petitioner from other competent researchers, the petitioner must provide evidence that the presentation or publication of one’s work is a rarity in the field or evidence that the petitioner’s findings have influenced the larger field in a measurable way.
The NIW appeals made by the postdoctoral cancer biology research associate and the postdoctoral aquatic biology research associate, which were both dismissed, reveal the high standards to which the AAO holds postdoctoral researchers. In both cases the AAO held that publication is an expected part of a postdoctoral appointment and therefore insufficient to demonstrate the influence of the researcher’s work.