回複:誠心請教8老師, 皮老師, 小白兔, 和各位老師... 關於親屬綠卡申請

各位老師, 誠心請教幾個問題, 希望能指教:   
1. 我太太正在辦綠卡, 是EB-2, 她們公司給sponsor的. 排期已到, 485也交上去了. 我現在是B1/B2身份,請問我能在美國申請綠卡嗎?
-Yes, just file your I-485 now in case the 排期 is retrogressed.
如果可以, 是不是要等到AP下來才能回國?
如果申請不成, 是不是以後再申請B1/B就沒戲了?
2. 我需要請律師來辦還是自己就可以直接遞材料申請?
-You can do it your self and it is simple.
3. 聽說我可以等我太太的綠卡下來後再遞交申請, 搞個什麽境外申請(不太懂).不知具體如何操作?
-You had better file I-485 now, otherwise you may have to wait for a longer time to file I-485 because 排期 will retrogressed very soon. Of course, if you want to stay in China for a few years, you may not need to file I-485 now. Up to you.

