請教8老師, 皮匠老師及諸位老師,
LD和我現都為H1,半年後六年期限一起到期。二月可提交485,同時一並申請AP和EAD。 問題是半年內綠卡拿不到,那麽身份和工作如何維持?
1. LD是主申請,H1延期沒問題。而我的H1可否延期?
-Your LD had better extend his/her H1 beyond the 6 years.
2. 如若我不能延H1, 是不是一定要轉成H4才能合法居留?
-Not need if you file your I-485 before your H1 expires. Just use EAD to work.
3. 是不是我不用轉H4, 讓H1自動失效,直接進入
-You can change to H4, but it is not necsaary because you will work using EAD.
4. 如期間LD用AP回國,我就不能轉成H4?
-Correct. But you do not need to be H4. If your or your spouse I-485 is denied, you spouse employer can file H1 extension to get the H1 status, then you just go to China to get the H4 visa to come back.