回複:求教:Differen consequence between dismissal and reject

皮大俠, 8大師及各位達人, 這裏先想各位拜年:龍年大吉!

我的綠卡申請曾在這裏谘詢和打擾過各位. 我的經曆坎坷複雜,仍在路上.

2007年遞交後經曆了漫長曲折的過程:NIW(2007.7 TSC I140&485)---- RFE---- (deny:2008. 6)---- Appeal(Reject: 2009. 12)---- MTR (Dismiss 2012.1) 在等Appeal結果的時候, 為保住的H1 ,準備了PERM,花了一年的時間和老板的錢,可惜官僚和低能律師而無法遞交(qualified citizen).無奈準備同樣的NIW (NSC2010.11)申請,有幸很快通過(2011.4).依然期待第一NIW的通過.因為485及工卡的需要.

剛接到AAO關於MTR的ORDER:the motion is dismissed.原因是:NSC approved same classification peptition (NIW).

"The petitioner, therefore, has received the classification (and waiver)that he orginally sought. The dismissal of the present motion is without prejudice to any future proceedings arising from the approval petition".


這個(dismiss)是否意味著第一個NIW I140回到的deny狀態,還是link到第二個NIW approval狀態? - the 1st NIW I-140 appeal is dismissed thus it remains in status of denial.  The concurrent I-485 is therefore useless (=-> I-485 被拒若幹例 (例 4)).

You're luck to have 2nd NIW I-140 approved, which is supposed not to be approved until a decision has been made on your 1st NIW appeal. You don't retain PD of 1st NIW.


如果link到第二個NIW approval狀態,又該如何操作下一步?
