My case is as follows:
1. worked in the
2. moved to Asia Nov 2007 to comply with the 1 year stay outside the
3. worked for the same company’s Asian branch and tried to come back to the
4. around August 2008, the attorney of the employer informed me that my case on LC PERM was approved (while I was in
5. left the old employer in Dec 2008.
I try to go back to the
Is my H1B counted against the quota cap of 85,000? Or is it considered a transfer of H1B?
I ask this question because I happen to see a message in wenxuecity saying ‘在過去六年內用過H1B名額的人士,辦理H1B是無需占名額的。’ by 陳帆聯合律師事務所 in the article of ‘H-1B名額用光的原因探討以及對策’.
How do you interpret this statement? It seems against my understanding so far.
Thanks a lot for sharing relevant information!