回複:update: 求助!8老師,皮匠老師等前輩請進,關於我的J1身份

昨天終於收到了USCIS的decision,是notice of denial.

-I have told you normally USCIS does not approve J1 to J2 within US.

這封信上也沒有具體說我應該什麽時候離開美國,隻是說,如果我有異議,可以在33天之內 file I-290B Form。不打算appeal了,費時費錢。所以我想谘詢一下,這種情況下我還可以在美國呆多久,

有沒有grace period?

-No, but normally it is OK if you leave in one month.


-Normally no. You need to bring the J2 application receipt and the denial notice for the visa interview in case the VO ask your legal stay evidence in US.

