-No. Just provide the copies of all the I-20s including the OPT, I-94s. When the school requested the F1 reinstatement, they should have issued a new I-20 to your spouse to cover the gap, shouldn't? So, after USCIS approved the F1 reinstatement, this new I-20 was effective to cover the gap. So, your spouse F1 status had no gap at all. So, just provide all the I-20s and it will fine.
還是play low key?
現在就怕這個東西trigger RFE, 又拖時間,我們希望能順利辦好綠卡,等了太多年了!!
需要請個律師幫我們寫cover letter嗎?
-Not need cover letter.
請多指教!!thanks a lot!