1。我是七月交的六年後H1renewal,當時PD不current,申請延三年,上個月PD current了,這個星期renewal approve了,我以為隻會給一年,今天拿到notice,還是三年。請問這多給的兩年有效麽?如果一年後,還沒有綠卡,這個H1還能用麽?
-Yes, it is valid. As long as you meed the requirment of H1 extension beyond the 6 year limit, it does not matter whether you get one year or three years extendion, the approval is valid.
2。很奇怪我的notice有兩頁,仔細看了一下,多了兩段話,一頁打不下,所以有兩頁。一段是ONO, 關於 ONO assist small business with issue related to federal regulations,另一段是說雖然approve,但USCIS有權通過各種渠道調查申請是否屬實,反饋的信息將決定是否 revocation, recission and/or removal proceedings are appropriate. Applicants, petitioners, and representative of record will be provided on opportunity to address derogatory information before any formal proceeding is initiated.
-This is for every case.