苦等了五年, 走到這一步真是精疲力盡了,生怕節外生枝。 再次向8老師求教。 多謝了。
目前的狀況是, 我們公司的律師說, 填485時, 用“Project leader also known as Sr Financial Analys”, 就是說, 把我的原Title,現Title都寫上, 然後兩者間劃個等號。公司律師說除非HR能把我的title改回去, 他隻能這麽寫。 是這樣的嗎?
-It is not required to report your job title in the Form I-485. What is this lawyer doing? You may file the I-485 by yourself.
可不可以不改,就在485上用原Title, 不寫“also known as Sr Financial Analyst”呢?