Basic info: 主申請人,NIW, PD: 5/28/2007, NSC
(1)10月26接到email,今天收到信。我和女兒兩個人均要求補件。共同的部分是需要updataed G-325A,這個容易。但是在給女兒的信中,他們還要求下麵一條證據:
Service records appear to indicate that your forum I-94, Arrival/Department Record number XXXXXXXXX (是I94number) was used to support issurance of an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) to the principal alien applicant through whom you desire to procure an immigration benefit. Please submit evidence to explain this disparity.
據我的理解他們是說,我曾經用了我女兒的I94number 申請了EAD卡。這個理解沒有錯吧?每次的申請表我都有記錄,再三查了一下,我並沒有填錯。顯然他們看錯了,請問如何回答這個問題比較好?
-Correct. Also provide the copy of your EAD receipts and the copis of your I-765 which was filed to USCIS.
(2)第二個問題是針對我的case. 其實又是一個USCIS犯的錯。我曾在485遞出去之後申請了EAD卡,卡到之後發現他們將卡的有效期印錯了,印成是前一年的時間,也就是說是一張廢卡。曾前後打過電話,寫過3封信想糾錯都石沉大海,當時因為有h1b cover, 所以也就算了。現在,他們說根據這張卡的有效期限,我可能有另外一個485。讓提供證據。那3封信,因為想著是他們的錯,就沒有交錢,也就沒有什麽receipt number 來查。哎,真是亂的不能再亂了。請高人出出主意,怎樣說明是他們搞錯了?
-Provide the copy of the EAD filing receipt and the copy of the wrong EAD. Then, explain it.