Number matter! Call to support HR3012 removes per-country quota

來源: man40 2011-10-20 06:15:39 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (12653 bytes)


"My name is _______. I would like Congressman/Congresswoman ______ to support H.R. 3012 that removes the per-country quota from employment based immigration. Thank you".

Below are the phone numbers and names of Congressman and Congresswomen in House Judiciary Committee that really matter this week and next week for this bill. Spare 15 minutes of time to do this and just do it if you have not already. If you called earlier this week, call again.

Numbers matter. Call volume matters. Democracy works only for those who show up. It's time to do your part.


  1. Rep.Lamar Smith [TX, 21st District] - 202-225-4236

  2. Rep.Jason Chaffetz [UT, 3rd District] - 202-225-7751

  3. Rep.Bob Goodlatte [VA, 6th District] - 202-225-5431

  4. Rep.Zoe Lofgren [CA, 16th District] - 202-225-3072

  5. Rep.Pedro Pierluisi [Puerto Rico] - 202-225-2615

  6. Rep.John Conyers [MI, 14th District] - 202-225-5126

  7. Rep.Howard Berman [CA, 28th District] - 202-225-4695

  8. Rep. Elton Gallegly [CA – 24th District] - 202-225-5811

  9. Rep.Steve Chabot [OH, 1st District]- 202-225-2216

  10. Rep.Darrell Issa [CA, 49th District] - 202-225-3906

  11. Rep.James Sensenbrenner [WI, 5th District] - 202-225-5101

  12. Rep. Howard Coble [NC, 6th District] - 202-225-3065

  13. Rep.Daniel Lungren [CA, 3rd District] - 202-225-5716

  14. Rep.Mike Pence [IN, 6th District] - 202-225-3021

  15. Rep.Randy Forbes [VA, 4th District]- 202-225-6365

  16. Rep.Trent Franks [AZ-2nd District] - 202-225-4576

  17. Rep.Louie Gohmert [TX, 1st District] - 202-225-3035

  18. Rep.Jim Jordan [OH, 4th District] - 202-225-2676

  19. Rep.Ted Poe [TX, 2nd District] - 202-225-6565

  20. Rep.Tim Griffin [AR, 2nd District] - 202-225-2506

  21. Rep.Tom Marino [PA, 10th District] - 202-225-3731

  22. Rep.Trey Gowdy [SC, 4th District] - 202-225-6030

  23. Rep.Dennis Ross [FL, 12th District] - 202-225-1252

  24. Rep.Sandy Adams [FL, 24th District] - 202-225-2706

  25. Rep.Ben Quayle [AZ, 3rd District] - 202-225-3361

  26. Rep. Mark Amodei [NV, 2nd District] - 202-225-6155

  27. Rep.Jerold Nadler [NY, 8th District] - 202-225-5635

  28. Rep.Robert Scott [VA, 3rd District] - 202-225-8351

  29. Rep.Mel Watt [NC, 12th District] - 202-225-1510

  30. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee [TX, 18th District] - 202-225-3816

  31. Rep.Maxine Waters [CA, 25th District] - 202-225-2201

  32. Rep.Steve Cohen [TN, 9th District] - 202-225-3265

  33. Rep.Henry Johnson [GA, 4th District] - 202-225-1605

  34. Rep.Mike Quigley [IL, 5th District] - 202-225-4061

  35. Rep. Judy Chu [CA, 32nd District] - 202-225-5464

  36. Rep.Ted Deutch [FL, 19th District] - 202-225-3001

  37. Rep.Linda Sanchez [CA, 39th District] - 202-225-6676


Thank you for your support,

Aman Kapoor,

Immigration Voice.(



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