07年大潮遞的485,這次排期到了,一直沒消息,打電話去問,給了referral #.今天電子郵件收到被拒通知,說理由會在信裏,過兩天寄到。我現在還是用H1B上班。收到理由後會馬上和律師聯係,我的申請沒有任何硬傷。我想問幾個問題
1:如果最壞打算,徹底被拒,我現在的公司願意重新給我辦綠卡,我還能用現在的priority date嗎?
2: 我太太現在是用ead上班,沒有h4簽證,請問她現在是不是已經out of status?
-Her I-485 is still pending, right?
如果我們要求motion to reopen或者appeal,是不是pending期間她還可以用ead 上班?
-Yes. Motion to reopen for I-485 is very easy to success if you do not have any cheating or unlawful present > 180 days. So, do not need to worry at this moment and just wait for the denial notice to see what happened.
-Yes, but the H1 approval will have no I-94 and then, she just need to go to China to get the H1 visa to come back. No big deal, anyway.
-No within US, but she needs to go to China to get the H4 visa to come back. No big deal, anyway.