

1. 現在持有h1b工作簽證,還有兩年的有效期,公司對注銷h1b等等一概不了解,當然也不會去做

2. 手上有兩天前剛發的工資單

3. 本來最近就想回國簽證,所以在這之前HR就給我開了在職證明


-You should have no problem to get the H1 visa and enter US as you describe here, but technically you can not do that because your status actually is invalid even if you enter US with the valid H1 visa. So, you might have a extremely serious problem in the future because your employment as the H1 employee has been terminated before you leave US and thus, you might be treated as fraud in the visa application. So, I do not suggest you to be risky to do that.
