回複:8老師, PJ老師, 還是問結婚綠卡 經濟擔保的問題...感謝你們..


1. 想請公民方的cousin做co-sponsor,但是cousin已經擔保自己的家人父母整個household 已經7人了. 還能再幫我們擔保麽?

-Yes, as long as the co-sponsor has enough money to support you besides his/her own relatives.

是隻要超過125% poverty line就可以了

還是 擔保太多人可能對我們的case會有影響啊?

-Should not.

網上有說還是需要超過125% poverty line 1~2萬會比較好, 是不是這樣呢?

-125% poverty line is OK.

2. Co-sponsor的I-864也必須在和我們遞交材料的時候同時遞交, 還是可以等麵試的時候補交呢?

-Need to provide it with your I-864 together.

3. 自己公民方的I-864會在我們交材料的時候就遞交上去, 公民方的稅不夠, 如果剛開始隻提交自己公民方的I-864, 而還未準備好co-sponsor的I-864, 移民局會不會直接就decline了,還是還會約麵試再要求補交材料呢?

-Normally USCIS will send you the RFE for the co-sponosr I-864 before the interview.

4. 如果被補交材料, 這期間AP和EAD還是可以用的麽?


5. 最後, 隻是一個好奇, 因為我看到有這樣的帖子, 如果說是屬於親屬移民, 為什麽co-sponsor可以不需要親戚關係的呢?

-Correct. Any green card holder or US citizen with at least 18 years old can be the co-sponsor. Co-sponsor only provide the enconomic support, so it does not need to be 親戚關係 (the sponsor has to be "親戚關係" such as hu*****and and wife, parents and kids, brothers and sisters, etc.). So, after the beneficial gets the green card, the co-sponosr has the responsibility (required by law) to provide the economic support to the beneficial until the beneficial becomes a US citizen. So, it is serious.
