回複:公民方的cousin(表姐)可以幫忙填I-864A的表麽? 沒有親戚關係得朋友可以幫忙填I-864A的表麽?


-No. I-864A only can be filed by the direct family member (household member) of the sponsor such as the spouse. This is a contract. By filing I-864A with the sponsor's I-864 concurrently, the sponosr's spouse agrees the sponsor to use his/her income to support the sponsor's relative(s) green card application. Read the I-864A Instructions in the USCIS website:



-If you want to find a co-sponsor to support your relative's GC application, any green card holder or US citizen such as 表姐 or friends can be the co-sponsor (or called joint-sponsor). The co-sponsor needs to file another I-864 (not I-864A) with your I-864 together.
