PERM剛批,6年H1-B在這個月末就到期,真是幸運.在此其間在本版上問了很多關於PERM申請的問題,得到了皮匠,863211 和小白兔的詳細解答,在此表示誠摯的感謝!
-Ask your lawyer to file the I-140 using premium processing to get it approved in 15 days.
1)現在可不可以申請要H1-B extension 的 prevailing wage?
-Yes. The prevail wage determionation for H1 can be obtained online in one minute at:
and then, your employer/laywer can file LCA online immediately. So, ask your employer to get the prevail wage determination and file the LCA applicaiton online now. Then, wait for the I-140 approval notice. If you can get I-140 approval before the H1 reaches the 6 year limit, file the H1 extension right away.
2)如果要轉成H-4,是不是H1-B至少要留一天以上的時間,這樣才能從H-4再轉回成H1-B?還是可以用H1-B到最後一天,隻要在H1-B結束前file H1轉H4的申請就行?
-At least two to three days to ensure USCIS receive your application and put it into their system. Discuss yoru situation with your lawyer carefully to ensure everything goes well.
3)我的H1-B在Aug-25到期,想在Aug-23快件郵寄出H1轉H4的申請,申請H4起始日期從Aug-26到老婆H1-B到期日期,這樣可以嗎? (想等到最後一刻,如果來不及file H1-B extension,才想file H1轉H4的申請).
-My suggestion is that you had better leave US immedaitely now. Then, you just get the H4 visa to enter US after the I-140 is approved (using the premium processing for the I-140 filing) and then, file the change of status from H4 to H1 with extension for another 3 years beyond the 6 year limit.
I think this is the best way for you to extend your H1 status. Because you leave US before your H1 reaches the 6 year limit and the time of your stay in China is not counted as your H1 time, you are qualifed to extend your H1 beyond trhe 6 year limit with the I-140 approval. I have suggested several people like you to do the same way successfully. So, discuss my suggestions with your lawyer. Good luck!