-Not need extra 公司在I-140上簽字 if using e-filing because the employer has been signed the I-140 electronically. If using paper filing, 是公司在I-140上簽字,和材料一起直接寄到移民局就可以.
-If your employer paper-filed I-140, you can provide the support douments together with the I-140 filing. If your employer use e-filing of I-140, your employer needs to get the efiled verification notice immediately after efiling, then you can provide the support documents to your employer to send them to USCIS address showing in the Efiled verfication notice and also include the Efiled verfication notice together.
-If your employer has done the paper-filing (your employer signed the I-140 and sent it with your support documents), not need to do e-filing again.