回複:回複:Please advise: H1 less than one year left and the Universi

8老師: Thank you so much for the information!

Aaccording to your answers to #2 and #3, will it still be ok for the university to file

PERM for me under Special Handling even if my H1 has less than one year left to reach

the 6-year limit? I knew that usually PERM will have to filed one year before reaching

the 6-year limit. Am I right?

As for #4, The new position is actually a faculty librarian position in charge of the IT in

the library and require to have both librarian and computer science master degrees. I

don't have a Phd degree. The librarian will teach library instruction classes. Do you

think it will be fine with Special Handling? I am already a tenured librarian faculty in my

current college, but they don't want to support my Green Card. Do you think it is

possible for me to go with o-1 after 6-year H1 or if I don't get time to file I-140?

Thanks again!

