H1B 重新進入美國的問題


Individuals who have been out of status in the United States because they violated the terms of their visa or overstayed the validity indicated on their I-94 should not seek to apply in Canada or Mexico and should return to their home country to apply. In other words, if the traveler has remained in the United States longer than the period authorized by the immigration officer when the traveler entered the United States in any visa category, the traveler must apply in the country of the traveler's nationality or legal permanent residence.



移民局已經批準了和H-1B petition.但是沒有I-94 卡。而且他們把批件送到Houston 的中國領館 (employer 的錯,他們填錯了,事實上應該送往北京的美國駐華使館,而非Houston 的中國駐美使館)。

如果我不能去加拿大申請進入美國,隻好返回中國申請重新進入美國,那麽,我需要他們將批件送往北京,我需要重新file I-824 嗎?

我可不可以讓我的employer 重新file I-129, 並附上我現在的批件,從而得到新的批件with I-94 card?


我的情況如下 (以下是一個月前的帖子)。


今年二月,我的H-1B第一個三年有效期到了。雇主同意給我延續H-1B 直到五月中旬。當初,我曾要求學校的律師給我將H-1B延期到八月中旬,律師同意了。但後來院長建議校方律師將我的H-1B 延期到五月中旬,而不是八月中旬,我想自己回很快找到工作後讓新雇主開始新的H-1B。所以也沒有在意。

我三月底得到offer, 四月中旬月新雇主校方人事部門敲定五月底開始我的H-1B延期。

其實我可以讓新雇主再四月底或者五月初開始我的H-1B 延期申請。但我這個人害羞,不想得到job offer 就猴急猴急地讓新雇主做這做那。所以,我天真地以為五月底開始延期申請沒有問題。而且,五月初,我給移民局寫了個memo, 通知他們我的第一個H-1B (expire after May 15) 和我的第二個H-1B (新雇主代我申請)之間 會有15天的空檔期。

麻煩大了。現在我才意識到五月十五日以後,我已經 out of status,任何申請在那個日期之後都會被拒絕受理的。

我五月底辦完LCA, 新雇主人事部門6月6日遞交了H-1B petition (I-129).我也交了1225 刀的 加急費。


It appears the beneficiary's H-1B nonimmigrant status expired May 15, 2011, the current petition was filed June 6, 2011, 21 days subsequent to the expiration of the beneficiary's H1B status.

USCIS recognized the petitioner submitted a copy of a memo from the beneficiary addressing this issue, dated May 4, 2011.

the start date of the LCA is 11 days subsequent to the expiration data (May 15, 2011).


therefore, the evidence is insufficient to ascertain that the beneficiary was in a valid nonimmigrant status at the time the present petition was files. As such, provide the following evidence to establish that the beneficiary was in a valid nonimmigrant status at the time of filing the current petition.

If the beneficiary is not currently in a nonimmigrant status the request for an extension of stay/change of nonimmigrant status will be denied and the petition (if approved) will be forwarded abroad. Therefore, identify a United States consulate or embassy abroad for visa notification and submit a duplicate set of all documentation previously submitted.

最後一段話什麽意思。我的新雇主的 petition 會被拒絕嗎? 我必須回中國重新申請H-1B 簽證嗎。如果新雇主的 petition 被批準,我不用回中國重新申請H-1B 嗎? 有多大可能我的新雇主的petition 會被拒絕。

我當初完全可以在 legal status expire 之前讓我的新雇主啟動H-1B extension 的,但我太溫良恭謙讓了 。現在給自己惹出大麻煩。



真沒想到15天的gap竟然會出現這樣的情況 -AudreyFuSheng- 給 AudreyFuSheng 發送悄悄話 AudreyFuSheng 的博客首頁 (316 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 15:49:57

我想問一下樓主第二個h1b所付的I-94卡上的valid to date是什麽時候 -AudreyFuSheng- 給 AudreyFuSheng 發送悄悄話 AudreyFuSheng 的博客首頁 (20 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 15:55:30

看明白了,你這個case一定得回國一趟了。 -AudreyFuSheng- 給 AudreyFuSheng 發送悄悄話 AudreyFuSheng 的博客首頁 (75 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 16:24:17

不過從這封信來看,你也不一定就要回中國 -AudreyFuSheng- 給 AudreyFuSheng 發送悄悄話 AudreyFuSheng 的博客首頁 (233 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 20:14:44

回複:不過從這封信來看,你也不一定就要回中國 -rangrang- 給 rangrang 發送悄悄話 (1400 bytes) () 07/09/2011 postreply 06:08:34

那還是回中國比較穩妥,不能再生枝節了~~~ -AudreyFuSheng- 給 AudreyFuSheng 發送悄悄話 AudreyFuSheng 的博客首頁 (92 bytes) () 07/09/2011 postreply 09:24:31
