1 我有兩張回國忘了上交的I-94卡。皮匠老師說人在美國的話這兩張I-94卡可以不用上交到肯塔基的出入境記錄部門。我的問題是:申請485時,這兩張I-94卡是否一定也要複印隨485一起交上。
-It does not matter to provide the copies of all the I-94s though you only need to provide the last/latest one in your case. Please not that you only need to provide the photocopy of the I-94, not origianl one. If you leave US, you need to provide the original I-94 to the airlines.
2 如果綠卡未批,手持ap入境,那未交的兩張I-94卡是否會引起入境時的麻煩
-No problem at all.