皮老師請幫忙分析一下我的情況-J1 with waiver 申請EB1A 有風險嗎?

本文內容已被 [ 皮蛋王 ] 在 2011-07-01 07:12:03 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

可能來不及了,有可能要回國。 我記得以前看過帖子說J1 waiver之後就可以辦綠卡的


A requirement for J-1 nonimmigrant eligibility is that an alien seeking such classification have nonimmigrant intent rather than immigrant intent. In other words, an alien may not intend to remain permanently in the United States (i.e. immigrant intent) without jeopardizing his or her nonimmigrant status. This requirement usually manifests itself as:


  1. a need to maintain an unabandoned foreign residence abroad; and
  2. a presumption that the alien is an immigrant until the contrary is established.


However, not all nonimmigrant categories are subject to these requirements. Where they do not apply, it is often possible to apply the doctrine of "dual intent". Dual intent means an intention to immigrate at some time in the future while properly maintaining a nonimmigrant status in the present. Hs and Ls, for example, are exempt from this requirement.

Dual intent is not recognized for J-1 visa holders. The filing  of an I-140 is direct evidence of intent to remain in the U.S. Thus, while you could possibly file the I-140 while in J status, you run the risk of having to return to your home country during the pendency of said filing and being forced to Consular Process, which would slow the process down significantly. 
