1月給小孩交I-131,四月網上顯示已批準,並mailed notice,一直未收到notice和document,做了三次SR,最後一次SR的回複如下:You will no longer receive a separate card or document pertaining to your advance parole.Both employment authorization and the advance parole are as one.Please refer to your EAD card.USCIS Service center no longer produce a separate I-512 document.The employment authorization serves as the I-512 Advance Parole Document.
從沒申請過EAD,小孩子要EAD幹什麽?昨天去了location office,白癡移民官竟然說他們不能發I-512,即使是emergency,也要報到Services去批,他們隻能Email反映情況!讓等他回信,至少一星期!現在急著回國,請老師幫忙指點下一步怎麽辦?衷心感謝!