1 聽說出生證,結婚證隻交英文複印件嗎?我的這兩個證的英文部分都沒有蓋章,複印後有效嗎?
-The copies of 出生證,結婚證 in both Chinese and English are needed.
2 我有兩張舊的I-94卡回國忘了交了,也要正反麵複印放入申請材料中嗎?
-Not need these I-94. You only need to provide the copy of your I-94 you got at the port of entry in your latest/last entry and the I-94s you got within US (if any) by extending or transferring your status since your last entry.
3 體檢表填好去找指定的醫生體檢,密封,還是等移民局通知啊。
-Find a Dr. to do the physical exam now and then, the Dr. will give the report to you and you just send it with your other I-485 filing documents together.