朋友老婆10年前親屬移民,移民局通知麵試時間2010,但是他老婆2009年J1簽證已經帶家人來美國,美國大使館給了回國2年的豁免,現在麵試排期已到,如何在美國繼續辦理這個親屬移民 ,他老婆j1 8月就要過期了,
-She and her famiy members (spouse and unmarried kids who are <21 years old) can directly fie I-485s in US if the 排期已到. Also send a letter to Nationa Visa Center (NVC) to tell NVC that she and her famiy will file I-485 Adjustment od Status in US, and will not apply for the immigration visa in China and ask NVC to stop processing the case for consular processing.