回複:急問:申請綠卡期間公司可以promotion/salary raise嗎?

要mid year review了,而EB2 PERM剛剛file上去還沒有approve,聽說在綠卡期間不可
以有promotion or significant salary raise....請問各位是這樣嗎?

-Salary raisng only has no any problem. But the promotion might affect the PERM, depends on what kind of promotion and whether the job responsibilities have been changed significantly. For example, if you are promoted from junior to senior and job responsibilities has not changed that much, your PERM should be OK. Otherwise, if you change your job from regular position to the manager, you may need to file a new PERM. Because your PERM is still pending, you may just file a new PERM for safe reason. So, talk to your lawyer.


