皮匠老師,移民局的信是這樣的。回複:回複:皮匠老師,我不能用他們隨信寄給我的I-290 appeal嗎?回複:回複:母親申請延期


On November 29,2010, you filed an Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant status. This letter is notice of denial of your application. This decision is based upon thee ground for denial. Each of these grounds will be addressed separately in this letter.

You are seeking an extension of stay as a tempoary visito persuant to Title 8, Code of

Federal Regulations. Section 214.2(b). To qualify for an extension of stay, you must establish that your proposed activities are consistent with the classification.

Section 101 (a )(15)(B)of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), defines a visitor as:

an alien (other than one coming for the pupose of study of performing skilled or unskilled labour or as a representative of foreign press, radio, film, or other foreign information media coming to engage in such vocation) having a residence in a foeign country which he has no intention of abandoning and who is visiting the United States temporaily for business or temporarily for pleasure...

Title 8  Code of Federal Regulations. Section 103.2(b)(8)(iiEvidence and Processing --Initial Evidence; states that

If all required initial evidence is not submitted with application o petition or does not demonstate eligibility,USCIS in its discretion may deny the application or petition for lack of initial evidence or for ineligibility or request that the missing initial evidence be submitted with a specified period of time as detemined by USCIS--

Your application is denied because you have no established that you are eligible to extend your stay as a temporary visitor. This decision is without prejudice to consideation of subsequent application to extend/change to nonimmigrant status with USCIS.

This decision leaves you without lawful immigrantion status;therefore, you ae present in the United States in violation of the law. You are required to depat the United States. Remaining in the United Stated without authorization may esult in the initiation of removal proceedings against you and may affect your ability to return to the United States in the future.

