因懷孕生小孩,在國內呆了一年多.期間綠卡被批.現在要回美國了,擔心持綠卡入關被質疑境外呆太長時間,進而綠卡被取消並原地遣返.擔心中.請問有什麽建議. 需要準備生小孩的證明嗎?
-If you do not have reentry permit, you have to go to the US Consulate in China (e.g. in Guangzhou) to apply for the Returning Resident Visa (SB-1 Visa) to come back. Bring all the documents why you were not able to return to US on time such as Dr.'s certificate and medical bills, etc.
For SB-1 visa, see the following websites