
回答: 請問皮匠,8大師一個綠卡辦兒子的問題arhoo2011-03-01 19:08:16

我持Green Card, 辦11歲兒子來美, 他現在中國. 一月五日收到NVCEMAIL, 說所有文件全齊了, 一旦有了麵談時間, 就會通知我.

前兩天EMAIL問廣州領館, 今天答複說, 沒有收到我兒子的文件, 這時候怎麽回事?

-Because the immigration visa 排期 for F2A has turned back for several years, NVC may not send your child green card application paperwork to the US Consulate in Guangzhou.

 我已發EMAIL問NVC, 除此而外, 我還能做啥?

-Wait. You may not receive any correspondence from NVC or the US Consulate in Guangzhou for several years until the visa 排期 is current. You may apply for the US citizenship if possible so that your child will get the immigration visa quickly.

你們碰到過這樣的問題嗎? 這可能會是啥情況? 謝謝兩位!我是用電子申請


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