我父親和繼母2010五月以B2來美探親。 父親11月拿到綠卡, 後馬上為繼母申請了I-130和B2延期。現B-2有效到今年五月。 但因排期倒退,在美期間遞交I-485似乎遙不可及。請問除了再來一次B2延期(很可能被拒)還有什麽辦法能保持合法身份在美等候排期?另外I130批準現要多久?
-It is imposibble for your step-mother to keep her non-immigration status for several years. But one solution is that she may just stay in US illegally until your father becomes a US citizen and then, upgrade the I-130 from F2A to the Immediate Relative (wife) of a US citizen. Thus, she has no problem to get her green card because her unlawyful presence does not affect her I-485 as the US citizen's wife.