
回答: 請問pjiang關於申請白皮書的問題,謝謝lipid2011-01-25 21:01:04

1. 說明書說好像不用照片,可是看看您以前的回帖說是要的,請問現在要不要。

- Normally you will required to take the picture during the fingerprinting, but you had better provide it with the I-131 filing just in case.

2. 我去年六月份拿到綠卡,目前還沒有到報稅的時候,請問I-131表格上第五部分的第二個問題關於聯邦稅繳納的問題,是添yes還是no,如果是yes,附上的材料該如何準備。

-Say "No". If "Yes", your green card will be cancelled.

3. 請問expected length of trip 該填多少合適。

- >one year< two years.

4. visiting parents的理由是否可以。

