回複:J-1轉3個月的H1B, 能在這3個月裏麵提交I-140表格嗎?

來源: 863211 2010-12-23 07:12:11 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (988 bytes)

J-1簽證, 明年2月到期,今年8月辦了豁免,當時跟advisor商量換成H1B,說沒錢,這個月又說給辦3個月的H1B延期,現在表格,資料,和加急費都交給係裏了.如果辦下來,可以呆到明年5月.

問題1  這種3個月的H1B我還是頭一次聽說,不是說最少都1年嗎?

-No duration length limit (3 months are fine). But you had better ask your school to file the H1 for long time and they can lay you off any time. For example, they can file 3 year H1 for you, but they may lay you off after three months. In other words, filing 3 year H1 for you does not mean they have to hire you for three years. Thus, it is more flexible for both you and your school.

問題2  如果在明年5月份前我找到新的單位,也能sponsor我H1B, 是不是意味著又要轉換一次身份.

-Just do the H1 transfer. Your status is not J1 anymore after you change the status to h1 now.

問題3  現階段,我可以交I-140表格嗎?






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