1。 h1-h4, h4起始日期究竟是批準日期,還是I539 E file日期,還是h1完結日期阿?
-Your H4 status is effective the H4 approval date.
發現寄回來的approval notice上的起始日期是批準日期(11月中旬),我是h1結束兩周前(9月底)Efile的,h1完結日期(10月15日)。
2。 這樣我的身份就有近一個月的gap.會不會以後成為綠卡申請的隱患?
-It will not affect anything in your status or future green card application because you filed the H4 applciation before your h1 expires and thus you were legal to stay in that period of time and also, your H4 was approved.