
1. sure you can
2. both of you go to local County marriage office with id (your driver's license, her passport) to register
3. wait several days and find a judge or a church to finish the marriage. both of you sign, 2 witness sign and judge or church father sign

down town Las Vegas or Reno, the County marriage office to register then cross street to marriage judge to finish or go to wedding chapel to finish. half day could be done.



多謝這位好心人。可以再問一下嗎? -小p- 給 小p 發送悄悄話 (50 bytes) () 10/29/2003 postreply 23:04:00

回複:多謝這位好心人。可以再問一下嗎? -ZJUer- 給 ZJUer 發送悄悄話 (214 bytes) () 10/30/2003 postreply 07:34:00

no need -BlackRiver- 給 BlackRiver 發送悄悄話 (295 bytes) () 10/30/2003 postreply 12:26:00

在左手無名指上戴個戒指不就成了?還怕別人不知道? -很簡單嘛!- 給 很簡單嘛! 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/30/2003 postreply 14:31:00
