My sister finally gets interview packages. After reading them, I have the following questions:
● 生活擔保證據。美國申請人和任何聯合擔保人必須提供如下文件:
c.) 現時的工作證明,匯款收據及銀行記錄等。
I already submitted employment letter when I file I-864 on June 2010. Do I need another one or just recent paycheck from the same employee? Do I need to provide my bank statements ?
What about 匯款收據 ? I never sent money back since I go back to
● 如果申請人在技術領域工作,請提供一份詳盡的包括申請人教育程度和工作經曆的中英文簡曆。在很多情況下,僅羅列雇主和職位是不夠的。簡曆應包括一份詳盡的雇主清單,所有工作職責和負責的項目,所有出版物的題目,摘要和出版日期
My sister’s visa is F4 category. I work in IT area, but my sister is just office staff in
● 美國申請人從美國匯款給簽證申請人的匯款單。
I never sent money order/check through bank, only cash. Is it required?
Thank you vey much!!!