HI, 朋友,
本人H1B已批, 再想回國一次, 回來時簽證,我要準備哪些文件: I-797, I—94, 要不要I-129 COPY?, LCA?
-You only need to provie the H1 approval notice, copy of the h1 filing documents (I-129 plus LCA) and a employment verification letter from your employer, and recent 3 months payckeck stubs (not need but in case).
H4 如單獨去簽證, 要哪些文件, 我的I-797,I-94,
-Plus marriage certificate and you recent 3 month paycheck stubs.
要不要我的I-129 COPY, MY LCA?
-Not need.
我想回國前先有一個簽證, 現在 去 MEXICO 還有效?
-If you entered US with H1 visa for your latest entry, you can go to Mexico to get the H1 visa if you want to.