今天去local officeI485麵談,什麽有關工作的問題都沒問,說我指紋不readable,讓我到過去5年住過的city的police station獲取certified police clearances. RFE上說“submit certified copies of police clearnces for (name) from every city she has lived in for the past 5 years. (Claims of no record must be certified by the Clerk of Court in both the felony and misdemeanors divisions in the parish or county of arrest.)找到縣政府,隻提供了一個沒有犯罪記錄的統一表格,蓋上章,並在我的一再要求下做了public notary, 但是他們說提供不了括號裏所提的要求。請問是不是這張蓋了警察局 “no criminal arrest record"章的表就可以了?有點擔心。
question about police clearance letter
• 回複:question about police clearance letter -pjiang- ♀ (198 bytes) () 08/23/2010 postreply 09:15:11
• 回複:回複:question about police clearance letter -9月有沒有可能- ♀ (439 bytes) () 08/23/2010 postreply 13:39:13