help for school enrollment!

Does anyone here have the following experience, please share with me, thank you very much in advance!

My nephew is 6, would like to visit me for a short period of time (about 3 months). I was just wondering whether he can be enrolled in some school system to learn English with other kids. Currently I am living in MD, and called our county school department, they all told me that I can't enroll my nephew to any public school system with B2 visa.

I remembered vaguely that someone here has the similar experience. Could you share with me? Also if the private school can enroll my nephew, that is fine too. Do you know where I can find this kind of information.

My kid is just 5 months, and I don't have any experience of dealing with school system in states. Please help! I really appreciate!


Could Pjiang or other "Da Xia" take a look of this question? Is -liliaz- 給 liliaz 發送悄悄話 (346 bytes) () 08/16/2010 postreply 15:20:42
