我沒有固定的工作, 曾打過短工。老婆在美國有工作,但提前病退了,退休收入也不高,兩人都是公民, 想給待在美國的老母親申請綠卡。 我到底有沒有資格呢?
-Yes, but you need to find a co-sponsor to provide the financial support.
-If you can find someone to be co-sponsor to provide the financial support for your mother's green card application, it should be OK for her to get the immigration visa.
另外, 請教一下,要辦理這個綠卡,整個過程需要花費多少錢呢?
-Depends on whether you need a lawyer or not. if you do not need a lawyer, total fee is about $829.
Also, your mother needs to pay the physical exam fee, document notarization fee, etc.
• 回複:回複:請問:像我這樣的人能不能為老母申請綠卡? -b670ua- ♂ (10 bytes) () 07/16/2010 postreply 18:15:15