
來源: 863211 2010-06-29 15:34:01 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (936 bytes)
老公拿B1簽證入美,結果逾期居留後來被抓,保釋出來後我們才結婚,我要到2012年的9月才可以申請公民入籍。在上大庭之前已經幫他file I130,結果法官判他"自願離境",他沒走結果就自動變成有遞解令在身。

現在綠卡配偶的排期已經到了,可是因為遞解令的關係,不敢幫他file I485,怕移民局來抓。想請問到底有什麽方法可以解決嗎?
-Not use to file the I-485 at this point and USCIS will not approve his I-485 because is in active deportation proceedings.

聽別人說: 有遞解令在身上,就算我拿到公民也對他沒幫助。我們現在沒房也沒小孩,請問有什麽方法嗎?
-It may be helpful if you get the US citizenship. After you become a US citizen, he can file the I-485. Then he needs to see the Immigration Judge who is in charge of his case and see whether the deportation can be cancelled. If yes, USCIS will approve his I-485. Talk to a professional lawyer before he sees the Judge after you become a US citizen.



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