
皮匠,863211 經過漫長的等待和你們的幫助,在此向你們深表謝意,並問824問題一個。我於2007年7於遞了基於我EB3,485和我老婆的485,並遞了遠在中國的女兒的824。 去年由於我老婆的EB1B批準,她獲得了綠卡。於去年8月份我又為我以來美國的女兒遞了基於我老婆EB1B的485。 我女兒於今年2月份也拿到了綠卡。 關於relink和refile的事情,我多次請教了皮匠和863211, 並聽從皮匠的勸告等到了relink成功並拿到了卡, 同時為我女兒申請的824也得到了批準(網上依然是“review”,卻收到了了approval notice)。現在我女兒已經拿到了綠卡,我不知道怎麽處理824。(I checked the copy of I-824. There are not any information about my daughter. I picked up 824 part2 C. My 824 approval notice show they have notified the consulate (GUANGZHOU) listed above that applicant’s status has been adjusted to that of a lawful permanent resident).
1.是打電話給移民局withdraw掉 824 ?
2.還是不管它824了?I attached a letter(told cis this 824 for my daughter) and my daughter’s birth certificate in the 824 file. The cis will understand I don’t need this 824.Because my daughter already got her green card.
3. 如果寫信給CIS withdraw掉以批準的824, 會對我和我女兒以拿到手的綠卡有影響嗎?
