急切問訊 皮匠,863211 大俠,本人,單身PHD,有兼職教職offer only,兩學期,每學期僅教兩門課 (各3 學分),請問
a.hourly rate,weekly hours 怎麽算?
-I do not think you have any problem to get part time H1 because part time H1 has no working hours/week limit.
b. prevailing rate 自己 搜搜就可以嗎還是要file to New York State Department of Labor? (I am in NY)
-Can not get it from the state anymore. You can either get the prevail wage online instantly/immediately at http://icert.doleta.gov or from OES data resource (http://www.flcdatacenter.com/).
c. Can I LCA online by myself?
-Only your employer or lawyer can do that.
問了兩位律師,一個指出年收入稍低於local poverty level,得在該校再找1,2 門課來教;另一位說沒問題,
-It is too high. You can find a lawyer who charges the service fee below $1000. Send a "悄悄話" to "拖拉機手" to ask him whether he has a good experience in finding a good lawyer.
-Do not worry and you will be fine.
回複:(急)求助:Part-time H1B for Adjunct Instructor
• Thank you so much, 863211 ! -ParttimeH1B- ♀ (708 bytes) () 04/19/2010 postreply 20:15:04
• The lawyer will figure out the way to get the job done. -863211- ♂ (0 bytes) () 04/19/2010 postreply 20:20:56