我給移民局的資料, 都是屬實, 移民局並沒有提出疑問。
-This is not your personal problem, but USCIS thought your employer had problem.
前雇主有一百多雇員, 我在myVisaJob上看, 沒有在那個出問題的州申請的, 很怪。 據雇主說, 他們考慮過在那個出問題的州建立辦公室, 但是碰到問題, 所以後來很長一段時間沒有進行。。。 等等。
不論如何, 我捯了大黴。 在這家問題公司之前的一家公司,連續幾年大裁員, 我害怕, 慌不擇路, 去了這家問題公司,當時也覺得不清不楚, 後悔沒有早點離開。。。
-Depends on hwo the appeal is going. If your employer win the appeal (this will take one to two year to know the result), you are OK. Otherwise, your I-140 will be cancelled and you even can not use the priority date. You may find another employer to support your GC application, just in case. You had better find a lawyer for advices or help you out.
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04/04/2010 postreply