回複:還請皮匠老師和863211老師幫忙:h1b能申請unemployment insurance 嗎?

我在加州。我以前是H1B 現在變成了h4,原公司經理支持我申請unemployment insurance (在加州就是EDD),我看了皮匠老師的博克,似乎是說h4不符合申請unemployment insurance的要求,可我知道以前在加州有h4申請成功的,不知道是不是現在政策變了,不管怎樣我可能會申請試試看。可現在我的問題是:
-If you do not have EAD in hand, you are not qualified for the unemloyment benefit because this nenefit requires that you need to look for job and be qualified to work immediately after you find the job.

1, 我們正在準備申請綠卡EB1B, LD是主申請人,如果我真的申請到了unemployment insurance,在485調整身份的時候會不會被認為public charge而出現麻煩?

2,在從綠卡轉成公民的時候,是不是也會考慮這個曾經用unemployment insurance的經曆?

