congrats to you. i'd like to

來源: sharemine 2003-10-28 12:52:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1011 bytes)
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回答: 加拿大移民成了用了19個月2003-10-27 13:52:00
basically, i will try to come back to US to continue my H1 work after landing.

1. Of course i have to get the visa stamped, which i would like to go there in person. I do not know how much time they give for the landing. It could be six months(i guess).

2. go there just few days before the landing date expires by driving my own car. (clear anything in US -- assume i cannot come back except job position.)

3. at the mean time schedule an appiontment with the US consulate in Canada for the H1-B third country visa, since i want to go back China for a visit after my landing.

4. if i can get third country visa from the US consulate, then i will drive back to US and go back to China from US for my vacation. If not lucky, find a place to keep my car and go back to China from Canada for that over due break.

5.continue to work for a couple of years in US if i can still come back and then see what happens next. hope the job market will be better in the years to come.



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