
GYJCA, 多謝回複!
我懷疑簽證官是不是沒有認真看我的材料,沒有看到我提交的Explanation letter of english proficiency。 因為在"If you claiming language skills and neither English nor French is your native language, you must”後麵有兩個選擇。一個是:Provide language assesment by a designated institution or organization (rfer to our website at www.cic.gc.ca). or 另一個是:provide other evidence in writing of your proficiency in those language. this material should include: a written submission explaining your training in English or english; an explanation of how commonly use; official documentation of education in English or French; and official documentation of work experience in english or French" ,他隻是在第二個選擇中的前兩項下劃線。
所以我感覺不是要我去參加IELTS考試,而是提供written submission之類的東西。
可是我已經提交了一份Explanation letter of english proficiency。



回複:回複:你需要雅思成績或者加拿大學位 -ImmCanada- 給 ImmCanada 發送悄悄話 (117 bytes) () 09/28/2004 postreply 16:48:40
