我NIW的140已批。我申請140時是寄到TSC(因為住在麻省), 後被轉到NSC, 在NSC我的140被批了。 現在我想申請AP,不知道該寄到NSC還是TSC?
-Send to TSC based on where you live. By the way, you can be qualified for the AP application only if you have filed I-485.
我NIW的140已批。我申請140時是寄到TSC(因為住在麻省), 後被轉到NSC, 在NSC我的140被批了。 現在我想申請AP,不知道該寄到NSC還是TSC?
-Send to TSC based on where you live. By the way, you can be qualified for the AP application only if you have filed I-485.
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