Pre-OPT and GRA ,請863211 和其它高手回複。先謝

HI, 朋友,

我的情況是這樣的, 我在另一個大學做PRE-OPT,FULL TIME (EAD)工作 , 同時, 原來學校保持我的GRA 身份,(也注冊了二個研究學份,因為必需的), 付部分的工資給我,因為考慮到沒有這個GRA, 學費不能WAVIER,我的問題是, 我能同時有F-1 pre-OPT 和 GRA 注冊 學生?我不知道乍麽確定,最後一學期,我隻注冊了二個研究學分(不上課, 隻寫論文)。時間從20 小時減少小於20小時 /周就可以了?

---現在做OPT 這個學校的回答:
If you were are truly on pre OPT, then you could not work more than 20 hours weekly.

The difference between pre-OPT and post-OPT is that on pre-OPT, you still have coursework left. It does not have to do with whether or not your graduated yet. If you have completed all coursework, you can start post-OPT while you do research and write your thesis/dissertation. If you have coursework left, you are limited to 20 hours or less of work. If you do not have coursework left, but still have research/thesis/dissertation to write, then you can do Post-OPT and work over 20 hours. Again, you are not to be registered full time and be working full time.

我的問題: 這裏說的COURSE 是指上課?, 研究學分算不算COURSES?

在這裏, 我感謝863211 給了我很多回答, 我也其本定了, 但是在和我原學校溝通前, 我還想再請863211 和其它朋友再幫助回答一下.
