
先生和我及兒子 目前是加拿大公民,先生 h1b,我和兒子h4,但我的h4到期日是明年的2月,先生的是明年的8月,請問我們應該什麽時間提出延期申請,
-You need to extend your H4 before 明年的2月 to 明年的8月, and then, extend it again with your spouse on 明年的8月. As a 加拿大公民, you can just go to US-Canada border to get the new H4 I-94 (cross the border and come abck immedately) and do not need to file the extension application if you want to.

-Yes, if you want. You also can go to US-Canada border to get the B2 I-94 if you want to.
