回複:請問白皮書裏的class of admission 怎麽填?


白皮書裏的class of admission 怎麽填?
-Fill "lawful permanent resident" or "Green card'

表格是不是隻能用 USPS 寄啊?白皮書隻能寄到NSC 不管你住在什麽地方嗎?
-Correct. Just follow the I-131 instructions.

我的一個朋友兩年前給她爸爸辦,是寄到TSC 的
-USCIS changes this kind of things all the time. You have to follow the newest instructions.



回複:回複:請問白皮書裏的class of admission 怎麽填? -USGUOGUO- 給 USGUOGUO 發送悄悄話 (18 bytes) () 12/22/2009 postreply 19:37:04

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