回複:請教大俠,h1b RFE, I-20到底要不要延期??

簡單講一下我的情況。H1b公司被要求補材料。我的I20 將在12月31日過期,而這學期12月18日結束。但是律師說實際要按照program什麽時候結束,grace period就什麽時候開始。那就是說grace period在12月19日就開始了。
-The lawyer is correct.

1)如果不延,用grace period,會不會影響h1b的申請呢?
-No negative effect.
而且萬一最後h1b被拒了,我不就沒有合法身份了嗎?聽說grace period裏雖然可以transfer of program,但因為是grey area,有時候會transfer不了。到時候就麻煩了。
-You can go out of US to get F1 visa to come back if H1 application is denied. As long as you get a new I-20 during the grace period, you have no problem to get the F1 visa.

2)如果延期的話,萬一律師把H1b 的RFE材料遞上去,h1b批了下來,而F1的延期後批下來,那麽根據last action rule, 我的h1b是不是就廢掉了?

3)想再問一下PJiang老師,關於RFE補材料,如果律師交材料晚了,h1b的名額有可能用完。您的意思是不是這樣的:如果有60000個名額,前麵59999個都批了,算占了名額,現在還剩一個。那麽我現在作為第 60000個申請人遞交申請,移民局受理了,並rfe.如果這個時候,還有第60001個人繼續遞交申請,移民局也接著受理,對嗎?
-Yes, they still accept the new application until no quote left and then, deny the applications beyond the quotes.
而且如果這第 60001個人材料沒有問題,直接批了,那麽我就沒名額了,對嗎?
-Correct, if USCIS make a decision on this application ahead of yours. But if your REF another person's application are received at the same time and there is one quote left, your case will be processed first and get that quote.

-The only thing you need to do is to send the REF as soon as possible, and let God deal with it.



真誠感謝863211 -windgauge- 給 windgauge 發送悄悄話 (163 bytes) () 12/07/2009 postreply 21:42:23
